Subject: Re: NetBSD DOSEMU -- questions from a prospective NetBSD user
To: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
From: Bob Sutterfield <Bob@XC.Org>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/21/1996 08:32:28
Michael L. VanLoon <> wrote:
>John Goerzen <> wrote:
>> - Installation methods. Can I install it from a PPP connection or
>But there isn't a big CD-ROM company behind NetBSD like there is with
>FreeBSD. Walnut Creek does make a NetBSD disc, though, if I'm not
>mistaken, as does InfoMagic.
>> - Where can I get a NetBSD CD-ROM?
>See above. It won't be a very current one, though. I believe most
>companies make NetBSD CD-ROMs of only major release versions. 1.1
>came out about 9(?) months ago. 1.2 is getting ready to release soon.
I got a two-CD set, including both FreeBSD 2.1 and NetBSD 1.1 with
binaries for several platforms, for US$35.00 over a secure ordering
channel from From
that starting point, you can upgrade to NetBSD-Current off the net.
Bob Sutterfield +1 614 267 7611
Mission Aviation Fellowship / MAFLink Technical Manager
Pray Globally - Serve Locally