Subject: Find just quits
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rick Byers <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/17/1996 16:14:25
Hi, I've having an annoying problem with the find program.
When find traverses a large heirarchy (our news sytem for example), it
eventually just quits. If i do a "find /var/spool/news/ -print ", the last
directory it prints is "conn/jobs/offered". We only have 16 Mb of RAM on
that system, and I noticed that find was talking up 16Mb of memory before it
quit. We have plenty of swap space.
First of all, why does find need all of that memory? Shouldn't it just need
to store each parent directory for a file (i.e. /comp/sys/ibm-pc/hardware
should onlt need to have /, comp, sys, ibm-pc and hardware in memory?)?
Is there a replacement for find anywhere? I need to run addmissing for the
news system - and it only gets part way through every time.
Rick Byers Internet Access Worldwide System Admin, Tech Support
Welland, Ontario, Canada (905)714-1400