Subject: SCSI error code 0, 64, 67, 70
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Tao <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/15/1996 18:10:11
Starting today, I've been seeing SCSI errors reported in the
syslog. Neither the hardware nor the software has changed on this
server since late January, to install a then-current snapshot of 1.1
for i386.
There have been three kernel panics ("free: multiple frees", trap
type 6 code 0 eip f812200d cs 8 eflags 10246 cr2 18 cpl 0) which all
appear to have happened in bwrite(), based on the eip (correct me if
I'm wrong... FreeBSD's panic log is slightly different):
# nm -a netbsd | sort | fgrep -C f81220
f8121e68 T _breada
f8121fa0 T _bwrite
f812208c T _vn_bwrite
f812209c T _bdwrite
f81220fc T _bawrite
f8122130 T _brelse
f8122270 T _incore
The server has been extremely stable after installing the -current
code, reaching uptimes of 30 to 40 days before having to power down
because of a physical move, power outage, or intentional reboot. The
drive in question (sd4 on the second controller) and the rest of the
bus it is on passes a visual inspection. I attached the replacement
drive on the first controller and attempted to newfs and mount it (it
was fdisk'd on a FreeBSD machine).
The newfs failed with an error code 70 after it had written out
all the superblocks. Attempting to mount the drive gives error codes
0, 64, 67 or 70, seemingly at random. In two attempts so far, the
mount actually succeeded. The relevant syslog bits are as follows:
Jun 15 12:22:15 nfs /netbsd: sd4(ncr1:4:0): error code 70
Jun 15 12:58:35 nfs /netbsd: sd4(ncr1:4:0): error code 0
Jun 15 13:03:30 nfs /netbsd: sd4(ncr1:4:0): error code 0
Jun 15 16:17:27 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 70
Jun 15 16:17:59 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 70
Jun 15 16:17:59 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 70
Jun 15 16:48:42 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 70
Jun 15 16:48:44 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 67 at block no. 1826690 (decimal)
Jun 15 16:48:44 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 67 at block no. 1826690 (decimal)
Jun 15 16:48:47 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 70
Jun 15 16:48:47 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 70
Jun 15 16:48:47 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 0
Jun 15 16:48:47 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 0
Jun 15 16:48:48 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 70
Jun 15 16:48:48 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 70
Jun 15 16:48:48 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 0
Jun 15 16:48:48 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 0
Jun 15 16:48:48 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 70
Jun 15 16:49:30 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 64
Jun 15 16:49:30 nfs /netbsd: sd1(ncr0:2:0): error code 64
sd4(ncr1:4:0) is a Quantum XP34301 Grand Prix 4.3GB drive on an
NCR53c810 PCI SCSI controller. sd1(ncr0:2:0) is a Quantum XP34300
Atlast 4.3GB drive, also on an NCR controller. What is the meaning of
these error codes?
On a related note, why doesn't /dev/MAKEDEV include devices above
sd6? I mknod'd sd7a and rsd7a manually and it seems to work. Any
reason why there are only 7 sd devices defined in the script? Thanks.
Brian Tao (BT300,,
Systems and Network Administrator, Internet Canada Corp.
"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"
NetBSD 1.1A (NFS) #4: Thu Jan 25 19:09:49 EST 1996
CPU: Pentium (GenuineIntel 586-class CPU)
real mem = 66715648
avail mem = 61079552
using 840 buffers containing 3440640 bytes of memory
isa0 (root)
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4: ns16550a, working fifo
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3: ns16550a, working fifo
lpt0 at isa0 port 0x378-0x37f irq 7
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0-0xff: using exception 16
pc0 at isa0 port 0x60-0x6f irq 1: color
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2
fd0 at fdc0 drive 0: 1.44MB 80 cyl, 2 head, 18 sec
root device eisa not configured
pci0 (root): configuration mode 1
pci0 bus 0 device 0: unknown vendor/product: 0x8086/0x122d (class: bridge, subclass: host, revision: 0x02) not configured
pci0 bus 0 device 7: unknown vendor/product: 0x8086/0x122e (class: bridge, subclass: ISA, revision: 0x02) not configured
ncr0 at pci0 bus 0 device 9
pci_map_mem: mapping memory at virtual fa7a9000, physical fbfe0000
pci_map_int: pin A mapped to line 9
ncr0: restart (scsi reset).
scsibus0 at ncr0
ncr0 targ 0 lun 0: <QUANTUM, FIREBALL1080S, 1Q09> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd0 at scsibus0sd0(ncr0:0:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
: 1042MB, 3835 cyl, 4 head, 139 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ncr0 targ 2 lun 0: <Quantum, XP34300, 81HB> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd1 at scsibus0sd1(ncr0:2:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
: 4101MB, 3907 cyl, 20 head, 107 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ncr1 at pci0 bus 0 device 10
pci_map_mem: mapping memory at virtual fa7aa000, physical fbfd0000
pci_map_int: pin A mapped to line 12
ncr1: restart (scsi reset).
scsibus1 at ncr1
ncr1 targ 1 lun 0: <SEAGATE, ST15230N, 0252> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd2 at scsibus1sd2(ncr1:1:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
: 4095MB, 3992 cyl, 19 head, 110 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ncr1 targ 2 lun 0: <QUANTUM, XP34301, 1070> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd3 at scsibus1sd3(ncr1:2:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
: 4106MB, 4076 cyl, 20 head, 103 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ncr1 targ 3 lun 0: <QUANTUM, XP34301, 1071> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd4 at scsibus1sd4(ncr1:3:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
: 4106MB, 4076 cyl, 20 head, 103 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ncr1 targ 4 lun 0: <QUANTUM, XP34301, 1070> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd5 at scsibus1sd5(ncr1:4:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
: 4106MB, 4076 cyl, 20 head, 103 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ncr1 targ 5 lun 0: <QUANTUM, XP34301, 1051> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd6 at scsibus1sd6(ncr1:5:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
: 4106MB, 4076 cyl, 20 head, 103 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ncr1 targ 6 lun 0: <QUANTUM, XP34301, 1071> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd7 at scsibus1sd7(ncr1:6:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
: 4106MB, 4076 cyl, 20 head, 103 sec, 512 bytes/sec
de0 at pci0 bus 0 device 11pci_map_int: pin A mapped to line 10
irq 10: DC21140 [10-100Mb/s] pass 1.2 Ethernet address 00:00:c0:7e:46:c8
de0: enabling 100baseTX UTP port
pci0 bus 0 device 12: unknown vendor/product: 0x1023/0x9440 (class: display, subclass: VGA, revision: 0xe3) not configured
biomask 1240 netmask 400 ttymask 1a
changing root device to sd0a