Subject: cu and modem problem
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/03/1996 09:49:39
Can anyone help me...
Im having some problems getting NetBSD to see my internal modem so that I can
CU to it.
What I have done so far...
1. Compiled new kernel for com3 (netbsd com3 that is, not dos) for the
right base address and irq.
2. sh MAKEDEV tty03
3. added tty00:dv=/dev/tty03:br#9600 in /etc/remote
4. chown uucp.dialer /dev/tty03
5. touch /var/log/aculog
6. created /etc/uucp/ports file
port mymodem
type modem
device /dev/tty03
speed 19200
but when i cu -l /dev/tty03 -speed 9600
i get ~cu: write: input/output error~
so what am I missing????
Thank Darryl.