Subject: Re: making inn and suck
To: Koizumi, Tsukasa <>
From: noud de brouwer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/25/1996 02:40:17
>I've make to run inn and suck for a week.
hum..suck sounds as a nice command to use.
where's that to find?
>First, I've made innd and success to run. But when posting articles, innd ma
>ke error and down. It is "ME cant rewind /usr/local/news/active Invalid argu
oops, jep that's wrong, why did you go on??
use inn1.4unoff4
ftp ../site/the_configfiles out >>>
change them
cd .../site ; make install
ftp /usr/local/news/lib/active in <<<
ftp /usr/local/news/lib/active.times in <<<
-maybe you need some changes...i messed around a bit on ftp-in.
cd /usr/local/news/lib/
chown news:news active
chown news:news active.times
cp active.times active.old
chown news:news active.old
my next step is:
cd /usr/local/news/lib/
mv history.n.dir history.dir
mv history.n.pag history.pag
this should get the ME... out of your way.
btw: my INN doesn't feed posted articles upstream, anyone??