Subject: RE: What network card do you prefer?
To: 'netbsd-help' <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Maier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/02/1996 14:06:00
I've used all the of the mentioned cards and have had good luck with all   
of them.  I had a SMC 8013 in my news server for some time.  I did an   
upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 and replaced it.

I replaced the 8013 with an Intel Ether Express 16 (Exp16).  Our company   
is 10baseT (twisted pair) based.  The only connectors on the card were   
10base2 (ThinWire Coaxial), and 10base5 (AUI or thick coaxial)   
connectors.  So to get to a 10baseT connector, I had to use a "dongle" to   
go from AUI to 10baseT.  Basically I was afraid somebody in MIS would   
move the server or accidentally pull a wire, and I would loose network,   
those dongles are not very secure.

Since this major upgrade, I have seen a vast improvement in performance.   
 It could just be that 1.1 was the trick, or the Exp16 may have been the   
trick, or not going through a dongle may have been the trick.  All I know   
is, the server is much faster.  I also replaced my NE2000 in another box   
with a Exp16, and have seen much better performance.

I still have a SMC 8216 in another NetBSD 1.1 box, it does a good job.

I must say, the SMCs drivers seem to be less picky during the detection   
phase.  If you elect to try the Exp16, be sure to run softset.exe on it   
and manually configure the RAM start address for either CC00, D000, D400,   
or D800, and make sure the Amount of RAM to map is set to 32 Kbytes, 16   
or none wont work.

my 10 cents worth...