Subject: Problems with v1.1 (i386)
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tank <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/14/1996 19:02:38
Greets Again-

        Another problem I am having in addition to the ether interface is
the following.

I created an account for myself.
I copied the dot files from /usr/shar/skel.
I chown'd the files to myself.
I chmod'd the file to 700

I could not modify the files.

I then chmod'd the files to 777, but still no luck...

On a whim, I tried to vi a new file, I was unable to do this.

Unless I am su'd to root, I cannot open or modify any files....
Any thoughts on this?


Tank (SPM)                 Sean P. McNamara
                           The Planet Group, Inc.
Tank@PG.NET                Design, Communications, and Technology
                           Voice: (312) 772-8333
                           Fax:   (312) 772-9214