Subject: Compiling kernel on A1200?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Eka Durmin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/22/1996 20:12:51
Hi, I have a problem compiling the NetBSD-1.1 kernel on my Amiga.

First some information:
	A1200: 68020, 2 Mb Chip 
	MTEC 1228: 4 Mb Fast, 68030, 68881
	Western Digital Caviar IDE HD 1080 Mb
	NetBSD-1.1/Amiga (BASE11.??)
	GCC-2.4.5 (COMP11.??)
	KSRC11.?? (installed in /usr/src/)

I've read a lot of NetBSD and *BSD FAQ's but still no success :~-((((

  I have installed the BASE11, ETC11 and the COMP11 distribution to run NetBSD
on my Amiga. After that I installed the KSRC11 distribution.
There's no other application installed (no other compiler). I did changed
some config-files in /etc/... The KSRC11 distribution is installed in 
/usr/src.... (I extracted it in /). 

What I did was:
	cd /usr/src/sys/arch/amiga/conf
	config GENERIC or INSTALL (didn't change these files)
	cd ../compile/GENERIC or INSTALL
	make depend

Compiling takes +/- 4 hours... that is until it stops with an error:
	building standard kern library
	ld: umoddi3.o: nonexternal relocation invalid

  When I change something in the config file, the compiler sometimes stops
with the same message except that umoddi3.o is replaced with xordi3.o. 
Sometimes (just once) the compiler stops with a different message:
  ld: lib/compat/libcompat.a(kern_ipc_10.o): nonexternal relocation invalid

  I also tried to 'make' the Makefiles in the .../sys/ and
.../sys/arch/amiga directories. I also tried different scripts included in
the *BSD-FAQ or an the ftp-site... but nothing helps.
  Why doesn't it work here, did I forget something, are the config files in
/etc/ wrong configured, did I forget to read something or something else?

I hope you can help me...

E. Durmin                 		      		    		    
phone: +31(0)40-2112936    					    

'There is an inverse relationship between how 
good something is and how much fun it is'