Subject: RE: shell merits (was Re: vipw done, now what?)
To: hacksaw <>
From: Kwast, Jeroen <jkt@GESASDSC.NT.GETRONICS.NL>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/10/1996 08:35:00

>How about size and loading time? sh has the advantage of being small,
>so multiple scripts running at the same time don't eat your memory as

Since the code is reentrant, we won't have problems running multiple shells. 
The size hovever could be a problem.

I think that bash is a very good shell when you (like me) use it for 
executing commands.

>And therein lies the problem. I would source things in bash (since I
>use it as my main shell) but the load time is largish, especially
>compared to sh.

It all depend on the memory & speed on board.

>BASH is great as a command line shell, especially is you are an emacs

Thats what I think too.
