Subject: was Re: vipw done. Now what? Let's fight
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: James Burton <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/09/1996 07:28:45
> Spare me your advice.  Mr. Christensen's bigoted spew is full of quasi-factual
> assertions and little else.  It's rather pathetic how anti-Csh some Perl users
> are despite the fact that Perl borrows so much from it.

I have to apologise for seemingly starting a religious war.
All I thought I did was to post a /bin/csh script.
But it seems it was really a red rag to a herd of bulls.

In my (overactive) imagination /bin/*sh are each just programs,
executables used by professionals who choose which one to use.
If and when they find a bug or a problem with the program they
either report or fix the bug.

In reality the bug becomes a point of conflict. It becomes a weapon
for crusaders to hurl at the opposing forces (especially those perl users
who don't even have "sh" in the name as is written in the scriptures).

Personally I won't fight in any of these religious wars, mostly because
they are boring. I don't think anybody finds them interesting. A common point


James Burton, Melbourne, Australia.|Every jumbled pile of person has a           |thinking part that wonders what the   |part that isn't thinking isn't thinking of