Subject: Re: vipw done. Now what?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jaime Kikpole <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/05/1996 15:42:34
>Create a "users" group if one doesn't exist already in /etc/group.
>My entry looks like:
>  users:*:100:

        There's no need to add each user at the end of this line, right?
The only time that I did that was connecting my own account with root, so
that I could su.  But, other than this, it isn't necessary, right?

>Use "vipw" to create new users, give them all unique UID numbers, and
>put them in the "users" group (unless you've got reason to do otherwise).
>My entry, with UID 101 and GID 100, looks like:
>  ckane::101:100::0:0:Charlie:/users/ckane:/bin/csh

        Hrm.  No * after "ckane:" and before ":101:100"?  All my entries
have it in my passwd and master.passwd files.  Also, what's the "::0:0:"

>Maybe a generic book on UNIX system administration would be awfully
>handy, eh?

        Got one.  :)  Unfortunately, its missing stuff and has a couple
mistakes.  For example, it said that you type "adduser" to add a user.  Can
anyone recommend a good book on this?