Subject: Re: Anonymous FTP permissions
To: John Maier <>
From: Eric S. Hvozda <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/04/1996 08:18:36
On Thu, 04 Jan 96 09:30:00 PST John Maier wrote:
> I would like to set a directory up so that users can upload to it, see
> the files, download files, but not be able to delete any files.
you could make the dir 1777. It will allow people do basically
do anything they want to objects they own; but they can't delete
other users files. I know that's not *quite* what you want tho.
I really don't know a way to do what you want without changing the
ownership away from them (to say, a dummy user) after they upload.
How will they upload into the dir? perhaps you could modify that
program (or wrapper it) to change ownership away after the upload?
Perhaps a cron job that runs a find in that dir and changes
ownership to a dummy user on objects not already owned by the dummy user.
Hmmm, now I see 'Anonymous FTP' in the subject. Are you sure you
really want to do this? Giving anyone a place to put files is
esentailly a 'nesting place' for crackers. This is one reason why many
sites don't have pub/incoming dir. People usually use mode 733 or 333
for pub/incoming. This way, people can drop files there, but others
cannot 'ls' or 'dir' there. It still doesn't solve your deletion
problem tho.
There are random workable ramblings; they should be taken with a
grain of salt :-)