Subject: Re: Audio CD Whoas!
To: Ken Hornstein <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/02/1995 16:26:20
Some time back Alester Crooks posted a little cdplayer program to
play audio disks in SCSI attached cdrom players. I found it to work great
with a little NEC cdrom player I have, as well as a Matshita player I
picked up at a flea market. Since I could do this successfully under
0.9A, as well as 1.0 a year ago, I guess I'm confused by this debate. Can
anyone shed some light?
On Nov 2, 2:09pm, Ken Hornstein wrote:
} Subject: Re: Audio CD Whoas!
} > I know some of you out there may be tired of me asking this (Mike), but
} > our mail link was down for some time. Is there anyone out there that
} > is successfully using a Sony 76S 4x CD-ROM player and playing audio
} > CD's? (its connected to a Buslogic 445C BTW)
} >
} > I keep getting something like... cd0 (bt: 0,3,0) invalid command (something
} > close to this). Anyways, using workman I can read the track information
} > and I can eject it, but I can not play it? It works fine under DOS but
} > not NetBSD (I hate when that happens ;) ).
} Something I discovered about CD-ROMs and music a little while back.
} It turns out there are two types of commands that can be used to play music
} on SCSI CD-ROM drives. One says "Start at this track n, end at track n".
} The other says, "Start at minute/second n, end at minute/second n".
} For some reason which escapes me, some CD-ROM drives only implement the
} play minute/second command, _not_ the "play track" command. I discovered
} this was the case with my NEC CD-ROM.
} I suspect that workman is using the "play track" command, and your CD-ROM
} drive doesn't support it. But anyone else's guess is as good as mine.
} --Ken
>-- End of excerpt from Ken Hornstein