Subject: Re: Latest NetBSD binary snapshot.
To: None <robin@red-branch.MIT.EDU>
From: Mike Long <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/05/1995 10:44:24
>Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 04:27:42 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Robin J F Carey <robin@red-branch.MIT.EDU>

>Please, please could someone tell me where I can find the latest BINARY 
>NetBSD-current snapshot ?? I tried and could only find 
>the source snapshot from Sept. 30th ....

I use the umich site.  The path to the i386 snapshot there is:

That snapshot is dated May 15.

>It would be even better if someone could tell me a site in the UK with 
>the latest snapshot, as I am in the UK and would prefer not to have to 
>deal with hideous LAG :) is listed in the MIRRORS file.
Mike Long <> 
VLSI Design Engineer         finger for PGP public key
Analog Devices, CPD Division          CCBF225E7D3F7ECB2C8F7ABB15D9BE7B
Norwood, MA 02062 USA                assert(*this!=opinionof(Analog));