Subject: Re: Old gnu tools
To: David Brownlee <>
From: J.T. Conklin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/29/1995 14:33:00
> 	Are they any worse than those in 2.4.5? :)

There worse than the patched version of 2.4.5 that's currently in the
NetBSD source tree.

> 	Seriously, I would think it safe to assume we won't be staying
> 	with 2.4.5 forever, and assuming 2.7.X (*) appears to be ok, would
> 	core consider importing it to -current, or are they intending to
> 	wait till after the next official release?

Considering the schedule we're hoping for (don't ask now, it will be
announced when certain things get firmed up), 2.7.X will have to wait
until after the next release.

> 	So... we just need a word from core :) (Sorry guys :)

It would be useful for people willing to ride the bleeding edge to use
gcc 2.7.X and submit reports to the FSF for any (gcc) bugs they find.

> 	(*) Maybe 2.7.1 would be a better starting point to look at than
> 	2.7.0, but the sooner people start looking at it & identifying
> 	problems, the sooner problems could be solved.

I hear that 2.7.1 may be released soon.
