Subject: unionfs & nfs exports
To: (NetBSD/help Maillist) <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/29/1995 21:56:44
	Can you export a union filesystem over NFS?

	I'm exporting /mono/netbsd -alldirs to another machine
	the server has /mono/netbsd/src (the source tree) union mounted
	behind /mono/netbsd/arch/sparc. 

	I cant duplicate this on the client, as the upper union layer must
	support whiteouts (hence not NFS), and if I try mounting
	/mono/netbsd/arch/sparc (after explictly exporting it) I get
	'Operation not supported'...

	I'm trying to share my source tree between three different 
	architectures & I figured union mounting was the way to do it
	(notwithstanding I can corrupt my i386 filesystem by using vnodes on
	union mounts, but thats another matter & one I'll pr when I can risk
	a machine to investigate :)

	If anyone can help I'd be most greatful...

		David/abs (MIME) +44 171 477 8186  {post,host}master  (abs)
Network Analyst, UCS, City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB.
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