Subject: Re: Old gnu tools
To: Kerry James Paulson <umpaul11@cc.UManitoba.CA>
From: Mark F Willey <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/25/1995 10:31:01
"In a previous message, Kerry James Paulson wrote:"
> I think it would be a good idea to freeze current now (it's been a long
> time since the last release) and update all the GNU tools to the latest
> version. If the source is in a relatively bug free state prior to the
> release any bugs caused by the compiler upgrade will be easier to find and
> correct.
Well, there's a laundry list, I understand, if things that core would like
to do before the next release. But, if we do upgrade the tools (and it
might not be a bad idea...) we should surely not make a release for more
than two months in order to address any code problems that may come up in
the upgrade.
IMHO, of course.