Subject: Install problems
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/24/1995 08:59:56
I am having problems installing netBSD i386. When I go write the os
to my disk, I get the message
wd0: wdcontrol: geometry failed: status 0 error 0
Here is my system:
ZEOS Pantera Pentium 75
16 MB Ram
1.08 GB Segate IDE Drive
Physical As reported by pfdisk
-------- ---------------------
Cylinders 2099 523
Heads 16 64
Tracks 63 63
I use pfdisk to create the following partitions
Start end
Dos 0 410
netBsd 411 522
Durring install I answer the following questions:
Disk type IDE
Disk wd0
Cylinders 523
Heads 64
Tracks 63
Measurements Cylinders
NetBSD Size 111
Offset 411
Kernel 10
Swap 16
/usr 85
The instal instructions say to be consistant with what is reported
with other co-existing os's. question is...what am I doing
wrong? I have installed netBSD on other computer without problems
(but they have all had smaller HD's that did not use geomery
Idealy, I want to have about 220 MB to devote to netBSD, of that,
20 MB for the kernel
32 MB for swap
100+ for programs
I want to use netBSD for educational purposes and experimentation on a
UN*X os.
TIA Bill Fink :-)