Subject: unmounting NFS
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ernst J. du Toit <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/18/1995 08:57:54
Question for you UNIX gurus...
How do you unmount a NFS filesystem that is no longer exported?
I've done a baddy and reconfiged the exports on a NFS host and now my
NetBSD box cannot unmount the NFS file system..
umount gives no error, but on mount the mounted NFS filesystem stays...
doing a cd into the directory give: Stale NFS file handle.
What is the recommened way of doing the umount?
I've tried all the switches in the umount(1) man page - I think.
I 'can' fixit by rebooting, but this is UNIX!
Ernst J. du Toit (TED5) Internet:
School of Electrical Engineering BELTEL : 175250 / Amateur Radio: ZR1ABB
Cape Technikon Voice: +27 21 460 3911 / Fax: +27 21 45 4161
South Africa /* Hackers do it with bytes and nybbles ! */