Subject: ISO-8859-1 characterset
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel Silen <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/02/1995 15:36:22
Those of us that don't speak English as our native language knows how anoyi=
it is to not be able to write our own special characters when typing on=20
our computer. For you who don't know, there is a characterset, an=20
extension to ASCII, named ISO-8859-1. This characterset specifies values=20
for characters as o with umlauts (=F6), a with umlauts (=E4) or a with ring=
(=E5) in adition to the pure ASCII-set (values 128-255 are used).

On most UNIX'es it is possible to enable this charset by typing
stty -istrip cs8
setenv LC_CTYPE iso_8859_1
setenv LESSCHARSET latin1

But aparantly not on NetBSD (1.0)... :-(

Ideas anyone?

Daniel Silen |  | Historiegr 8A-103 | +46 90 196 889
             |  |    907 34 Ume=E5    | +46 10 6952451
             | |       Sweden      |
            Comp. science stud. @ Ume=E5 University, Sweden
              Sysadm @ TSDF & Email-support:er @ UmDaC
GCS d-- H+ s+:- !g !p au a- w+ v C++ UA++++ P+>++++ L+ 3 N+ E K- W-- M- V -=
po+ Y+ t+ 5 j R G+ tv+ b++ D+ B+ e+++ u++(u*) h+ f r n---- y+