Subject: Re: XFree instalation
To: Robert Rak <>
From: Neil J. McRae <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/23/1995 14:14:10
> Hi everybody !!
> I got new problem during instalation. At this time I can't install XFree86
> for NetBSD. When I try to start "startx", my host tells me that startx can't
> find I only found a libXmu.a. I have a question: how to do
> a I'm brand new to NetBSD so I don't know how to do some things
> :))))) I couldn't find any information on how to configure my new X-windows,
> or what PATH I should set in my .profile script.
> Thanks in advance for any infos
> Robert.
As root try:
ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib
then try startx.
Neil J. McRae. Demon Internet