Subject: Re: Starting in single user mode
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/08/1995 14:22:44
>From: John Maier <>
>Date: Thu, 08 Jun 95 09:29:00 PDT
>I've seen reference to this in the past and would like to find out how it is
>done. I want to archive my system and then restore it. I remember, under
>Solaris, you can take the system down to a single user maintenance mode for
>things like this. I thought I had seen this for NetBSD, how is it done?
If you're already running multiuser, issue the command
shutdown now
If you want to enter single user directly when you boot, use the -s
flag at the boot prompt.
Mike Long <>
VLSI Design Engineer finger for PGP public key
Analog Devices, CPD Division CCBF225E7D3F7ECB2C8F7ABB15D9BE7B
Norwood, MA 02062 USA assert(*this!=opinionof(Analog));