Subject: Good UPS vendors?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/07/1995 22:05:52
[This is NetBSD related once you read past the initial narrative...
please bear with me :->]
The time has come for us to buy a new UPS. Currently we have an old
('87 vintage) PARA Systems/Minuteman unit. We were very impressed by
their service and the unit when it was purchased back then, so they were
the first company we called when looking for a new unit. We also needed
new batteries for the old unit, since this many years later they're
pretty much worn out.
Unfortunately, Para seems to have gone down the drain. On the first
call we were routed to the Texas rep, who was out. Left a message,
call never returned.
Week and a half later, called back and were routed to voice mail again.
Hung up and called back, said "look, we left a message before and
nothing happened, can we please talk to someone?". They took address
information to send out information, which we did receive. We also got
transferred to tech support so they could figure out what batteries we
needed, since the sales guy was clueless. "Bruce" in tech support was
helpful, figured out what we needed, and gave the info to the sales rep,
who was supposed to then call us to actually enter the order. Of
course, he never did.
Received the info pack, read it through. Very interested in the top of
the line 2000KVA intelligent unit, but now very worried about service,
since we can't even get them to return calls (and that with a guaranteed
small sale and a possible large sale at stake!)
There's also the issue of interfacing to the thing. They don't seem to
support NetBSD (big supprise :->), nor anything "close enough", like
BSDI or Linux, that we might be able to make work. And even if they did
support NetBSD or something close enough to be workable, that'd pretty
much limits us to i386.
We also tend to do wierd stuff with wierd systems (that's almost our
company slogan :->) and often end up using equipment in unforseen ways.
We always want maximal flexibility, almost to an obsession... This is
one major reason why we like NetBSD (cost being the other, of course).
Flexibility is a major factor in virtually every purchasing decision we
make (even for things like desks) since we know from experience that
almost everything we buy ends up being used for something else, even
just a few months later, in ways that simply could never have been
predicted. This doesn't just happen often, it's inevetable. So it'd be
hard to overstate just how fixated we are on flexibility :-)
As a result, we very strongly desire to get programming information, both
so we can use the thing with NetBSD in the near future, and with who
knows what later.
So, called them again (this time I called, previous calls were by
someone else), got transfered to a real live sales rep for our area.
First explained about trying to get replacement batteries. He knew
which ones we needed. Next, to the software subject. Mention we're
interested in the high-end intelligent unit, and state our concern
about support. Ask about programming information. He states that the
port pinout is in the manual, that it can do simple fail detection, and
that they won't give out info on the protocol. I ask why not (already
knowing the answer, of course). Ask if they'd release it to us under a
nondisclosire agreement. He says he'll check into it, and to call him back
tomorrow, but he doesn't sound at all hopeful. Finally, he takes the
order for the batteries.
I intend to write he company and express our disapointment, but I'm
already knw it's time to look at other options, so: Does anyone out
there have experiences with UPS vendors? Any who are either open about
their interface specs or who will at least give out information under
not-too-heinous NDA terms? Any companies that support NetBSD directly,
or support something close enough (BSDI, etc)? Anyone reverse engineered
any of the closed interfaces? Any software already out there?
We don't really need all the fancy info that Para's system provides, but
we do need more than just a power failed indicator. Run time left and
charge status would be minimums. UPS load would be a major plus. The
other stuff we can probably live without, but I just know that if we're
limited to not being able to get the input voltage reading or UPS
temperature or something than we're certain to develop an urgent need for
it later :-), so I'd rather have full access to everything.
Any information or advice greatly appreciated!