To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG, current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/17/1995 09:48:00
Hello. I am setting up a NetBSD 1.0 system for a small business and
am having trouble with a Conner cfp1080s 1GB scsi disk drive. I'm working
with the technicians who work for Conner, who apparently do not understand
scsi error codes or U*nix. I believe my trouble is a hardware fault, but
am unsure exactly what the drive is trying to tell me. Specifically, I
believe I might be running into a bug in the micro code of the Conner disk
So, is there anyone who would be willing to explain the following to me?
First, here is what the kernel probe looks like:
NetBSD 1.0 (SKYLINE_SRVR) #1: Sat May 13 07:24:20 PDT 1995
CPU: i486DX (GenuineIntel 486-class CPU)
real mem = 16384000
avail mem = 14209024
using 225 buffers containing 921600 bytes of memory
pc0 at isa0 port 0x60-0x6f irq 1: mono
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4: ns16550a, working fifo
com0: bidirectional
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3: ns16550a, working fifo
com1: bidirectional
lpt1 at isa0 port 0x278-0x27f: polled
lpt2 at isa0 port 0x3bc-0x3c3: polled
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2
fd0 at fdc0 drive 0: 1.44MB 80 cyl, 2 head, 18 sec
fd1 at fdc0 drive 1: 1.2MB 80 cyl, 2 head, 15 sec
bt0 at isa0 port 0x330-0x333 irq 11: version 3.3, sync, parity, 32 mbxs
bt0 targ 0: sync, offset 15, period 200nsec
bt0 targ 1: sync, offset 15, period 200nsec
bt0 targ 2: sync, offset 15, period 200nsec
scsibus0 at bt0
bt0 targ 0 lun 0: <SEAGATE ST11200N 9300> SCSI2 direct fixed
sd0 at scsibus0: 1005MB, 1872 cyl, 15 head, 73 sec, 512 bytes/sec
bt0 targ 1 lun 0: <CONNER CFP1080S 3939> SCSI2 direct fixed
sd1 at scsibus0: 1030MB, 3658 cyl, 6 head, 96 sec, 512 bytes/sec
bt0 targ 2 lun 0: <MINSCRIBM3180S A03 > SCSI1 direct fixed
sd2 at scsibus0: 152MB, 1255 cyl, 7 head, 35 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ed2 at isa0 port 0x300-0x31f irq 9: address 00:00:1b:33:b4:3b, type NE2000 (16-bit)
ie0: unknown AT&T board type code 15
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0-0xff: using exception 16
biomask 840 netmask 21a ttymask 1a
changing root device to sd0a
The drive of interest is sd1 (above). I can disklabel this drive without
dificulty and read the label back from the disk:
# /dev/rsd1d:
type: SCSI
disk: cfp1080s
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 32
tracks/cylinder: 64
sectors/cylinder: 2048
cylinders: 1005
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0 # milliseconds
track-to-track seek: 0 # milliseconds
drivedata: 0
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 32768 204800 4.2BSD 512 4096 0 # (Cyl. 100 - 115)
b: 65536 237568 swap # (Cyl. 116 - 147)
c: 1853440 204800 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 100 - 1004)
d: 2058240 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 1004)
e: 65536 303104 4.2BSD 512 4096 0 # (Cyl. 148 - 179)
f: 1228800 368640 4.2BSD 512 4096 0 # (Cyl. 180 - 779)
g: 460800 1597440 4.2BSD 512 4096 0 # (Cyl. 780 - 1004)
h: 204800 32 MS-DOS # (Cyl. 0*- 100)
When I try to newfs /dev/rsd1a, I get the following messages from the
sd1(bt0:1:0): DELAYED ERROR, key = 0xb
sd1(bt0:1:0): command aborted
sd1(bt0:1:0): DELAYED ERROR, key = 0xb
sd1(bt0:1:0): command aborted, info = 2058239 (decimal)
I get these messages regardless of which partition I try to write on. The
only thing that changes is the block number. I could understand a medium
error, but don't understand what a delayed error is. Is this some bug in
the microcode of the disk drive which is not understanding multiple
commands from the controller? Also, how should I explain what I'm seeing
to the technician at the other end of the telephone at Conner?
Any suggestions, explanations of what I'm seeing, or ideas on what to
try to get the ball rolling would be most helpful.