Subject: Re: man command question
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ralph Seichter <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/25/1995 11:56:52
On 24.03.95, (Achyutram Bhamidipaty) wrote

> the man command can be set up to handle both manx and catx
> files. Is there a way to get man to automatically create
> catx files after they are accessed from the manx directory?

I also wanted to create preformatted man pages, so I asked a member of our
university department's support crew. The solution is carefully hidden in
the nroff man pages, so that thou, novice user, shalt never see:

  nroff -man whatever/man/man1/foo.1 > whatever/man/cat1/foo.0

Easy. If you know it. (;

	MfG,	Ralph
"Ooooh! Look at that, Schuster... Dogs are so cute when
    they try to comprehend quantum mechanics." (GL)