Subject: building ispell-3.1 and seg fault in sort
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Achyutram Bhamidipaty <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/25/1995 11:14:01
Has anyone built ispell on an Intel box? I've run
into some trouble...

When I try to build ispell so that the /usr/share/dict/words
file is incorporated into the dictionary I get a seg fault from
sort. Has anyone else seen this or am I in a cursed part of the
universe :-) ?

Before I file a bug report (and have to dig up the send-pr stuff
again) can someone tell me if there have been fixes to sort?

This command fails (SORTTMP is "") with a seg fault. The input file is
about 3meg, so I'd rather not upload that unless I need to... :-)

sort $SORTTMP -u +0f -1 +0 < /tmp/BIG_FILE > /tmp/BIG_FILE2

Thanks for any info.