Subject: majordomo config
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Willey <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/19/1995 09:28:06
I have been fighting with Majordomo for the past few weeks, and still think
my configuration is screwy.  Could someone who is successfully running
majordomo under NetBSD 1.0 (or any) please do a "ls -alRF" on the directory
that all of their list stuff is in?  I especially need to see file
permissions and owners/suid bits.  Also, if you can recall if you compiled
it with the POSIX defaults or the roll-your-own defaults, please let me
know which type you used.

majordomo version: 1.92



      Ask me about FREE UNIX and X for your PC/Mac/Sun/Amiga/etc...
      Mark Willey