Subject: Caught a crash
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tim Jackson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/02/1995 16:43:30

	It's me again :)

	I caught a crash this morning in NetbSD 1.0.  The stack trace
		interupt stack

struct inpcb *
in_pcblookup(head, faddr, fport_arg, laddr, lport_arg, flags)
        struct inpcb *head;
        struct in_addr faddr, laddr;
        u_int fport_arg, lport_arg;
        int flags;
        register struct inpcb *inp, *match = 0;
        int matchwild = 3, wildcard;
        u_short fport = fport_arg, lport = lport_arg;

        for (inp = head->inp_next; inp != head; inp = inp->inp_next) {
                if (inp->inp_lport != lport)
			Died here

The assembly for this code fragment is:

        pushl %ebp
        movl %esp,%ebp
        subl $12,%esp
        pushl %edi
        pushl %esi
        pushl %ebx
        movl 12(%ebp),%edi
        movl 20(%ebp),%esi
        movl $0,-12(%ebp)
        movl $3,%eax
        movw 16(%ebp),%bx
        movw %bx,-4(%ebp)
        movw 24(%ebp),%bx
        movw %bx,-8(%ebp)
        movl 8(%ebp),%ebx
        movl (%ebx),%ecx
        cmpl %ebx,%ecx
        je L124
        .align 2,0x90
        movw -8(%ebp),%bx
        cmpw %bx,24(%ecx)
                     Crashes here......%ecx is 0x0

My only thought is that since the in_pcb ring is not protected from 
manipulation from the interrupt service routine side.  I'm not sure
this is the only problem but one that may titilate the senses.

Thanks for you patience

~  Timothy Jackson/TIAC - The Internet Access Company - Voice:617/276-7200  ~
~  CEO, Founder         - 7 Railroad Avenue           - Fax  :617/275-2224  ~
~                       - Bedford, MA 01730           - Data :617/275-0331  ~
~                                                            ~