Subject: new twist on disk move/permission denied
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Willey <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/11/1995 08:17:59
The situation is that I have moved my root disk to a new drive with:
"cd /; tar cf - .??* [a-m]* [o-z]* | (cd nroot; tar xvpf -)"

Now when I log in, I get permission denied reading my current directory.  I
believe the "getcwd" call fails with "EACCES" errorno.  It appears that
when I do an ABSOLUTE cd, (fully specifying /foo/bar/etc), then it begins
to work!

hillres142 $ pwd
pwd: Permission denied
hillres142 $ cd
hillres142 $ pwd
hillres142 $ 


      Ask me about FREE UNIX and X for your PC/Mac/Sun/Amiga/etc...
      Mark Willey