Subject: Re: Pentium PCI System config, any warnings? (fwd)
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: J Dudley Hunkins <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/01/1995 15:40:10
>Anyway, I would like to bounce my proposed config off you all, to see if I
>have read all the right documents and picked the right hardware.
>So here goes:
I'd question a few of the things in this system.
> Pentium PT5 90, PCI (512K cache, 3 PCI,2 VESA 3(5) ISA)
I heard that both the PCI and VLB busses are slower on motherboards that
use both (as opposed to PCI/ISA or VLB/ISA) due to integration. It seems
a safe consensus to stay away from PCI/VLB mixes unless you want to use
some VLB cards off an older system.
> Quantum 540Mb SCSI HDD
Is this a SCSI 2 drive or just SCSI? The SCSI drive would work on the
SCSI 2 controller, but it wouldn't take advantage of the controller's
speed. Also be aware of the difference between SCSI 2 and Fast SCSI 2...
> 2Mb Diamond Stealth PCI DRAM Graphics Card
I'd personally try for the 2M VRAM version (that's upgradable to 4M).
I think that adds around $100...
> VESA Dual 16550 UART I/O Card (2S. 1P etc)
> 1.44Mb Mitsumi FDD
> Creative Labs Quad Spin "Edutainment Pack" (SCSI-2 CD Drive and Card)
> medium tower case, keyboard, monitor blah blah blah
>But what about Soundblaster/SCSI Card ?? Has anyone heard of, had any
>experience with these?
I believe I've heard the soundblaster SCSI-2 is adaptec. I've also heard
conflicting opinions that the SCSI-2 is slower (due to 8bit bus on the
board or something?).
Do you really need another SCSI 2 card? Sounds like you don't need the
CD's either... Why not just by the plain-Jane 16 bit soundblaster, and
pick your own CDrom drive? It seems the money you save would be enough
to go from DRAM to VRAM on the video card.
Disclaimer: I am not a PC hardware or NetBSD guru.
J "Dudley" Hunkins
PGP info available through finger or email