Subject: AX25 available ?
To: None <>
From: Joao Carlos Mendes Luis <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/23/1994 18:22:26
Hey all,
Can you please say if there's any kind of AX25 support for NetBSD ?
We're trying to install a Amateur Packet Radio network here and
our main machine is a NetBSD 0.9a. No problem if we have to upgrade
to another version of NetBSD, but we DON'T want to go for Linux !!!
Until now we found AX25 for Sun ( Theo's version ), Linux, SYSV,
KA9Q, OS/2 ( Half OS :) ? ) and DOS. Since we don't have a Sun
Station available and we want a TRUE operating system, we thought
NetBSD would be our best option.
Can someone help us ?
Joao Carlos Mendes Luis
+55 21 290-4698 ( Job )
Network Manager UFRJ/COPPE/CISI
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Pentium(tm) Computers CPU: 80i585.9999865124