Subject: MODEMS on tty ports (part II)
To: None <>
From: Ernst J. du Toit <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/16/1994 10:26:54
Ok, I blame it on the hour, my lack of sleep and it WAS the last day at
work for all the others :-) I'll clarify what I'm trying to achieve.
To recap, my original posting was:
> Hi
> I'm currently running NetBSD-1.0 since upgrading form FreeBSD-1.5.1.
> When I upgraded I noticed that the tty treatment has changed to be POSIX,
> since I was swamped with work at the time I did'nt really worry.
> Now that the vac is on hand I want to reactive my ppp link. My question is:
> With the carrier nonbehavoir and no cua devices what is the accepted way
> to get dial-out working on NetBSD-1.0? I don't really fancy leaving CD
> hard strapped on in my MODEM, etc.
I've compiled C-Kermit and it using it currently for my comms. Now I can't
set the carrier behavoir of NetBSD like I'm used to (/dev/ttyiXX or
stty -f /dev/ttyXX clocal etc. ala my old FreeBSD). I solve this
currently by just hard strapping CD on my US Robotics Courier. But this
solution is not ideal.
My old ppp scripts don't run either, after much staring and with great
help form a UNIX guru friend he concluded that the POSIX changes was
doing wat they are supposed to do. In the ppp script pppd is run with a
chat script. CHAT gets the port up, but when it exists to hand the link
over to pppd POSIX resets the port to it's defaults and pppd ends up ....
What I need to know it how do you guys do it? I can hack my own solution,
but then I'll be stuck again on the next release - murphy being what it is
:-) Ideally I'm looking to bidirectional tty lines. NetBSD-0.9 had a hacked
com driver to provide this, but 1.0 has a revised com driver (closer to
POSIX as far as I can see) so I can't easily merge the two.
Oh BTW, I don't want to run uucp since I normally 'go live' while I do my mail
xfers etc. But I'd also like the batch ablilty of uucp and the ability to
do ringback (ie. My office box dials home, rings once, hangup - my home
machine uses that as a flag to go into auto answer and IF the office
machine dails within 30 seconds my home machine picks up and starts a
session - but that's my pet project for the new year :-)
Thank you for the help I've gotten so far!
Ernst J. du Toit (TED5) Internet:
School of Electrical Engineering BELTEL : 175250 / Amateur Radio: ZR1ABB
Cape Technikon Voice: +27 21 460 3911 / Fax: +27 21 45 4161
South Africa /* Hackers do it with bytes and nybbles ! */