Subject: Re: netbsd guide
To: Jan Schaumann <>
From: Mark Weinem <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/25/2007 23:02:01
Jan Schaumann:

> How about splitting content into a "Basic Guide" and an "Advanced
> Guide"?  Or "Install Guide" and "User Guide"?

A separate "Install Guide" would be good  (and it's relative clear what 
belongs into and what not). "User Guide" seems to unspecific for me.

I'm not sure about a separation into "Basic Guide" and "Advanced Guide". 
The good thing about the current guide is that one gets "the whole 
picture" about the NetBSD OS. On the other hand, it's obvious that the 
guide will still grow (Bluetooth, file systems, ...) and becomes more and 
more complex (and unhandy?). But will separate guides really simplify the 
maintenance of the content? 

Though i sympathize with the idea of separate guides, i don't dare to vote 
for - this will be a lot of work :( 

greetings, Mark

Mark Weinem
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