Subject: [docathon] converted Ports/pc532/faq.list
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List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/06/2007 22:36:39
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Ports/pc532/faq.list converted. patch attached.

Note: If you're committing a patch, please be sure to update the
according status entry at


Daniel Sieger
Faculty of Technology
Bielefeld University

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pc532-faq.diff"

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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE webpage
+ PUBLIC "-//NetBSD//DTD Website-based NetBSD Extension//EN"
+        "">
+<webpage id="Ports-pc532-faq">
+<config param="desc" value="NetBSD/pc532 Frequently Asked Questions"/>
+<config param="cvstag" value="$NetBSD$"/>
+<config param="rcsdate" value="$Date$"/>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 1994-2007
+	The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -->
+<title>NetBSD/pc532 Frequently Asked Questions</title>
+<sect1 role="toc">
+<title>NetBSD/pc532 Frequently Asked Questions</title>
+<sect2 id="general">
+<title>General Questions</title>
+<sect3 id="what-is-a-pc532">
+<title>What is a pc532</title>
+The pc532 is a motherboard designed in 1989 and 1990 by George Scolaro
+and Dave Rand in Sunnyvale, California.  They were kind enough to
+distribute their design for others to use.  What they distributed
+was FULL information about the motherboard.  They also had the motherboard
+fabricated and sold them to people so they could build a working pc532.
+The basic features are:
+<listitem> Motherboard mechanically fits into a PC/AT case</listitem>
+<listitem> NS32532 25 Mhz CPU (built in MMU)</listitem>
+<listitem> NS32381 25 Mhz FPU</listitem>
+<listitem> 4, 8, 16, or 32M of RAM (80nS 0/1 wait, no cache), 8 RAM Slots of 9 ICs, taking 1M or 4M.</listitem>
+<listitem> DP8490 SCSI controller chip connected to XT mechanically  compatible 
+4 slot expansion bus</listitem>
+<listitem> AIC6250 SCSI bus (sync or async)</listitem>
+<listitem> 4 SCN2861 DUARTS for a total of 8 serial lines (@ &lt;= 38400)</listitem>
+<listitem> 27256 EPROM for the hardware monitor</listitem>
+A motherboard was shipped to people who bought them with a complete
+hardware description, full schematics, and PAL/GAL programming
+information.  The first general distribution of pc532s included a
+special deal where all the chips were included in the purchace.  Later
+distributions included only the motherboard and buyers banded together
+to get all the chips that were needed.
+A owner of a pc532 designed a simple daughter board that plugs into one
+of the SCN2861 DUART slots and implements two Centronics parallel
+To our certain knowledge there were less than 200 pc532 mainboards
+made.  There were only 187 pc532 out in the world as of 11 Jun 1996.
+(source "Matthias Pfaller" There are many less
+running NetBSD (a couple of dozen is my (jhs) guess). The only way to
+get one today is to find someone with one they don't want and to buy it
+from them.
+<sect3 id="auto-boot-image">
+<title>Obtaining a copy of the auto boot ROM image</title>
+This can be found at <ulink url=""></ulink>.
+There are two different ROM images. One for a 9600 baud console and
+one for a 19.2K baud console.
+<sect3 id="booting-without-autoboot-rom">
+<title>How to boot NetBSD without the autoboot ROM</title>
+You will have to find the right place on the disk where the boot
+program lives and give the proper "<code>read&nbsp;...</code>" command and then
+execute the boot program.  That shouldn't be hard to do.
+Get the latest <ulink url="">INSTALL document</ulink>,
+and try to follow the install procedure.
+Then, before you reboot, you need to get the boot information
+if you don't have the auto-boot ROM.  (If you do have it, you don't
+need the next information.)
+run bim
+You will get something like:
+steelhead[1]# bim
+Disk: disk 1   Type: SCSI
+Physical Sector Size = 512
+Disk Size = 1173930
+ partition         type  sector start  length in sectors
+     a          4.2BSD         23980             383680
+     b            swap          2180              21800
+     c         unknown             0            1173930
+     d            boot             <emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>               2178
+     e          4.2BSD        451260             722670
+     f            swap        407660              43600
+Boot partition = d
+Default boot image  = 0
+Boot Images: total of 8
+  (image address and size in sectors.)
+Image  address   size  load addr  run addr   name
+    0        <emphasis role="bold">0</emphasis>     <emphasis role="bold">32</emphasis>   <emphasis role="bold">0x3e6800</emphasis>  <emphasis role="bold">0x3e6820</emphasis>   /usr/mdec/boot
+    1       32     64   0x3bf000  0x3bf020   /usr/mdec/boot
+From this you can easily calculate the disk address of the boot program
+and where to load it and run it.  So for the above stuff, the boot
+partition starts at sector <emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>.  The boot image is at offset
+<emphasis role="bold">0</emphasis> in the boot partition.  So the boot program is at sector
+<emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis> and is <emphasis role="bold">32</emphasis> sectors long.  You need to load it at address
+<emphasis role="bold">0x3e6800</emphasis> and run at <emphasis role="bold">0x3e6820</emphasis>.  Write that information
+down for your system and you can then give the proper ROM monitor
+commands to load the boot program and run it.  All the autoboot monitor
+does is to read that information from the disklabel and the boot images
+table on the first two sectors of the disk.
+<sect3 id="cabletron-ethernet">
+<title>Cabletron Ethernet</title>
+NetBSD supports some SCSI ethernet devices such as the Cabletron
+EA412/EA419.  Philip L. Budne &lt;; wrote a userland daemon
+"etherd", which Ian Dall &lt;; used as a
+reference while writing the kernel driver
+<ulink url=";content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup">/sys/dev/scsipi/if_se.c.</ulink>
+They are no longer made, though you may be able to find one second
+hand, particularly on the Macintosh market.
+Some original mail on the subject:
+From: Phil Budne &lt;;
+	&gt; Philip Zimmerman found a little (6"x1"x3.25") Cabletron EA419 SCSI to
+	&gt; ethernet box, and I found documentation on how to speak to it.
+	What does that box cost (aprox.) ?
+It doesn't look like this box is sold any more; However Philip Z.  may
+have a line on two different sources. But in both cases it may boil
+down to "how much are you willing to pay".  Since similar devices sell
+new for $200, I would hope it would be under $100.
+From: Philip A Zimmermann &lt;;
+To: Phil Budne &lt;;
+Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 00:55:33 -0400 (EDT)
+I'll look into sources. More 
+may even pop up from the other subscribers out there; what I basically 
+scared up, at Phil B.'s description, was a box which we used to use on 
+older-style Macintoshes which had a SCSI port on the rear panel. This 
+Cabletron box has a DB25 on one side and an RJ45 on the other side and a 
+socket for a wall wart to provide power.
+I have chased a few leads today; the only positive response was from 
+Cabletron Systems so far. They have 11 in stock right now in their "Good 
+as New" department. They want US$175 each. Order info:
+(per Mike Orr)
+Cabletron Systems
+Good as New Dept
+PO Box 5005
+Rochester, NH 03866-5005
+Mike can be reached at:
+He said they trickle in occasionally. I'm still searching for other
+From: paz &lt;;
+Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 11:59:28 -0500 (EST)
+The network "card" I'm using is a Cabletron EA419. It's probably the same
+device you've seen discussed on the mail list. It's a box with an RJ45 on
+one side and a DB25 on the other. It was originally intended to provide a
+network interface to Macintoshes with a SCSI interface which came out of
+the Mac at a DB25, I think. Cabletron has a "good as new" department where
+refurbs of this unit can be gotten for ~US$150, if memory serves
+correctly. I'm uncertain how many pc532s are so equipped right now; I just
+hacked mine onto a Vector ISA prototyping card so it would plug into the
+pc532 SCSI expansion bus. I got it running over the past weekend. Seems to
+be working fine.
+<sect3 id="et532-ethernet">
+<title>Last ET532 Ethernet Project Progress Report</title>
+As far as I can determine, the et532 was a project to build a ethernet capable
+pcb for pc532s.
+This report from Julian Stacey  &lt;;
+<sect4 id="latest_photoplot_info">
+<title>Latest Photoplot Info.:</title>
+Main Board photoplot is done
+(George, anything I should check for ?)
+Serial piggy back Board photoplot not done yet.
+<sect4 id="pcb_quotes">
+<title>PCB Quotes:</title>
+Anyone who feels like getting us quotes from board manufacturers,
+please go ahead, all the info's up for ftp, help yourself :-)
+<sect4 id="strange_idea">
+Thanks to Phil, NetBSD now runs on the PC532 :-) ....
+If we increase the number of ET532 boards made, it's cheaper, so:
+2 Scenarios:
+<listitem><para>Us `good old guys' owning PC532s can buy cheap GX32 CPUs
+    (with no MMU) to drive the card as an ethernet peripheral.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Maybe some of the software guys in the Net &amp; FreeBSD
+    worlds might also like to buy a card, equip it with
+    a full 32532, &amp; build a truly fully sourced
+    (hardware &amp; software) system, that has
+    CPU &amp; MMU (but no ICU or FPU), has ethernet &amp;
+    up to 16 serial ports &amp; a SCSI bus.</para></listitem>
+No doubt the class (2); guy might prefer an ICU &amp; FPU too,
+but nobody's doing a PC532 PCB run so that option is not available
+Anyway, maybe class (2); folk might increase total board quantity
+&amp; reduce prices for us class (1) folk ?
+Is this daft ? or Should we offer it to the Net &amp; Free BSD lists ?
+Comments Please.
+<listitem><para>KHE asked <quote>Where'd the power go in ?</quote></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Answer: Connect power wires to an edge connector socket
+    plugging on board; &amp; use CONN2 for SCSI ribbon.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Question from me: <quote>Would class (2); users _need_
+an ICU &amp; FPU ?</quote></para></listitem>
+<sect4 id="orders">
+<listitem><para>George's gerber info is available via ftp from
+[gerber &amp; schema]
+<listitem><para>George wrote to me:
+    Drill tapes depend on the PCB house. At the very least
+    they will want the film of the drill gerber layer,
+    at the most they will want a drill tape. If they want a
+    drill tape, the photo shop can extract the drill gerber
+    file layer and generate a drill tape - at least my photo
+    shop did that.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Files available include:</para>
+	<programlisting>
+	cfg:
+		ether.cfg schema.cfg ser.cfg
+	doc:
+		copeth.doc dramc.doc
+		dec32.doc dramen.doc ether.txt wait.doc
+	gerber:
+		ether1.gbr ether4.gbr etherdrl.gbr ser1.gbr serslk.gbr
+		ether2.gbr ether5.gbr etherslk.gbr ser2.gbr sersmk.gbr
+		ether3.gbr ether6.gbr ethersmk.gbr serdrl.gbr
+	lbr:
+		local.lbr
+	pals:
+		copeth.jed dec32.jed dramc.jed dramen.jed wait.jed
+		copeth.tdl dec32.tdl dramc.tdl dramen.tdl wait.tdl
+	postscript:
+		ether.s01 ether.s03 ether.s05 ether.s07 ser.s01
+		ether.s02 ether.s04 ether.s06 ether.s08 ser.s02
+	schema:
+		ether.p01 ether.p03 ether.p05 ether.p07 ser.p01
+		ether.p02 ether.p04 ether.p06 ether.p08 ser.p02
+	</programlisting>
+<sect4 id="pcbs">
+George long ago wrote:</para>
+<blockquote>The et532 is a 6 layer PC/AT sized (but with 62 pin SCSI)
+    board.  The piggyback board (after a bit of a fight with
+    the CAD software) is a 2 layer board and is around 5.5" x 3.5".
+    It plugs into the middle area of the et532 on two connectors
+    that carry all the serial (TTL) signals up from the 2 OCTARTs.
+    There are also 3 sets of holes on both boards that line up
+    and enable nylon standoffs to support the piggyback board.
+Michael Hermann &amp; Steve Liggett asked stats on PCBS, to get us prices,
+well I havent counted number of holes on pcb (freq Q. that), but:
+<para>ET532 Layers:</para>
+    <listitem>Solder mask</listitem>
+    <listitem>Component layer</listitem>
+    <listitem>Inner layer #1</listitem>
+    <listitem>Ground Layer</listitem>
+    <listitem>Power Layer</listitem>
+    <listitem>Inner Layer #2</listitem>
+    <listitem>Solder Layer</listitem>
+    <listitem>Solder Mask</listitem>
+No surface mount devices as per PC532 (I assume George ?)
+I presume we call this `6 layer' as far as PCB manufacturers
+are concerned ?</para>
+<para>Daughter Board Layers:</para>
+    <listitem>Solder mask</listitem>
+    <listitem>Component layer</listitem>
+    <listitem>Solder layer</listitem>
+    <listitem>Solder mask</listitem>
+<sect4 id="serial_pcb">
+<title>SERIAL PCB</title>
+The 2 serial chips go on the piggy back serial card.
+I asked George Scolaro:</para>
+	<programlisting>
+	&gt; &gt; - Do we also need to make piggy back octart PCBs ?
+	&gt; Only if you want to have more serial ports.
+	Looking at George's ET532 schematics:
+		The ET532 can take 2 * SCC2698, each 2698 supports
+		EIGHT serial ports ! The optional `piggy back' board
+		has 16 * 145406, 16 * DIL Headers, Caps, &amp; 2 Long DILs
+		to connect to ET532 main board.
+	For the ET532 to function just as an ethernet card, it should not be
+	necessary to populate the 2698 sockets, nor to have a piggy back card.
+	I do however foresee need for a few of us to have one serial port,
+	as I guess software development'll probably go in 3 stages:
+		1 Write/debug eprom for ET532 to talk to a serial port
+		  (&amp; prove hardware design works)
+		2 Extend ET532 monitor to talk over SCSI bus to some kind
+		  of software interface on the PC532, so PC532 can download
+		  code to ET532 &amp; set breakpoints etc ?.
+		3 Develop ET532 ethernet code &amp; ET532/PC532 higher level
+		  protocols etc.
+	Main thing is to get the ET532 PCBs fabricated :-) .
+	Daniel Berglund &lt;; wrote 3-94:
+	&gt; &gt; &gt; It's probably not hard to temporarily wire in a 2681
+	&gt; &gt; &gt;  (or whatever they are called,
+	&gt; &gt; SCC 2698
+	&gt; Nope. I mean a 2681, they are cheaper.  That's my point: if you
+	&gt; want only one serial port for debugging until the firmware is done,
+	&gt; then you probably want to avoid expensive octuarts (2698).
+	</programlisting>
+<sect4 id="ic_costs">
+<title>IC COSTS</title>
+All these are very old figures, &amp; need to be confirmed:
+Bryan Davis said</para>
+		&gt; from the Bay Area....
+		&gt;  Hamilton/Avnet (a distributor for National)
+		&gt;		 1-24	 25-99	 100+
+		&gt; NS32GX32-ANU20  $110.00 $95.00  $86.50
+		&gt; NS32532-25	  $825.00 $685.00 $595.00
+<para> said
+		&gt; Bell Industries, a NatSemi distributor in California,
+		&gt;		  QTY1-24     QTY25-99	  QTY100-999
+		&gt; NS32GX32U-20	    90.00	 78.50	       71.00
+		&gt; NS32GX32U-25	   100.00	 91.00	       83.00
+		&gt; NS32GX32U-30	   120.00	105.00	       95.00</programlisting>
+johnc@manatee.UUCP (john connin) Wed, 7 Oct 1992 19:16:47 GMT said:</para>
+		&gt; it might be easier and cheaper to pull the ethernet
+		&gt; related parts from a no-name 8-bit ethernet card.
+		Are the parts the same as I posted in George's build list ?</programlisting>
+Could someone please ask at a US West Coast IC shop, what an IC kit
+price would cost, as per build list (presumably a) excluding GX32,
+b) 1 off &amp; ~25 off pricing ).
+( I believe can provide
+names of California IC shops for someone in the USA to phone. )
+The ether-bom (Bill Of Materials) is available via ftp
+to enable pricing exercises.
+Don't ask me, I'm in the wrong country for cheap or easily available
+prices, VOLUNTEERS PLEASE !</para>
+<sect4 id="total_project_cost">
+<title>TOTAL PROJECT COST</title>
+This PCB order list does NOT commit you to IC purchase,
+If short of cash, you can enroll on what will be a once
+only ET532 cheap PCB fabrication run, then some time later buy the ICs.
+I dont know board cost yet, as soon as I do I'll post the info,
+As always, no one's done a chip costing exercise,
+so as always, before people ask, Nope ! I don't know !
+Photoplots'll were free (I'll probably buy the guy a meal to say thanks)
+<sect4 id="ic_kit_distrib">
+<title>IC KIT DISTRIBUTION</title>
+Hopefully someone(s) will consider doing IC bulk purchase &amp; kit
+distribution. (doesnt need to be same person who does pricing
+investigations, but shouldnt be me, USA should be better purchase
+&amp; distribution point than Germany)
+Steve Liggett maybe ?</para>
+<sect4 id="software">
+Dave Rand &lt;; mailed to say</para>
+	<blockquote>
+	"I have the software for the Ethernet already done, including
+	an Ethernet-based monitor, and DOS client. I'll do the low-level
+	Ethernet driver (tricky, 'cause you have to handle the special cases)."
+	</blockquote>
+(so I assume you want 3 PCBs bdale ? )
+<quote>Rennolet (Kumar)</quote> &lt;; said  Wed Oct  7</para>
+	<blockquote>
+	"I will help write the drivers."
+	</blockquote>
+21 May 1996: Mark Mason &lt;; interested in helping.</para>
+<sect4 id="more_info">
+<title>MORE INFO</title>
+Please dont anyone mail me private questions about:
+<listitem>the ET532 architecture: I'm Not the designer - George Scolaro is.</listitem>
+<listitem>PCB or Total project pricings: What I know is presented here.</listitem>
+More can be learnt by looking at the Gerber diagrams.
+George long ago wrote:
+<listitem>20MHz 32gx32, no FPU.</listitem>
+<listitem>1M/4M DRAM (256kx4 or 1mx4) 100ns or faster, fast page mode.
+    same performance as pc532 (except at 20MHz, i.e. 40Mbytes/sec)</listitem>
+<listitem>128kx8 EPROM (200ns or faster) Boot EPROM, runtime code is
+    downloaded from pc532 etc. into DRAM.</listitem>
+<listitem>16 serial channels with full modem control (Signetics SCN2698B
+    octart) RX,TX,RTS,CTS,DTR,DCD  (modem support)</listitem>
+<listitem>Ethernet, thin (cheapernet) and thick (DB15 connector) NS chipset</listitem>
+<listitem>SCSI, DP8490 (via 62pin edge connector and 50 pin SCSI connector)</listitem>
+<sect4 id="strategy">
+<listitem>would everyone who's not responded in 1994 please email me with
+   a new updated single line entry for the list below, thanks.</listitem>
+<listitem>We need to confirm IC (inc CPU) pricings &amp; project costs
+   if you want a new build list posted, let me know.</listitem>
+<listitem>Please do Not distract by saying
+   <quote>wouldnt it be nice with the new super duper WIBNI ether chip</quote>
+   unless you're prepared to design &amp; deliver gerber's to me
+   using that design.</listitem>
+<listitem>If true, Please Do feel free to say <quote>ET532 is obsolete,
+   the CPU price is horrendous, I say abort project</quote></listitem>
+IE <quote>GO/NO GO</quote> but no WIBNIs (Wouldnt It Be Nice If's) please,
+Thanks :-)</para>
+<sect4 id="help">
+This periodic bulletin is produced by me to coordinate us, but
+the cards will not be produced without much help though,
+I'm too lazy/busy for anyone to rely on me pushing it
+as a one man band; right now next thing we need to do is
+confirm IC pricings.
+I shall ignore any email that asks `how much will the whole thing cost'
+(I've been asked before, often) - It's a valid &amp; important question,
+but as I've said before, I dont know, I'd like to, but I don't.
+Please help us by getting quotes on 25 off chip sets !</para>
+<sect4 id="corrections">
+Corrections to this file are welcomed, please mail me.
+Please hand forward this notice to dormant pc532 friends who may have
+fallen off the pc532 list, or changed their mail address.</para>
+<sect4 id="pcb_order_list">
+<title>PCB ORDER LIST</title>
+A = Number of ET532 PCBs you will pay for, ie
+B = Number of optional Serial piggy back pcbs you will pay for
+C = Number of glue chip IC kits you will later want.
+D = Number of GX32 CPUs you will want
+E = Email
+F = Real Name
+G = Date of last communication
+H = Comment
+@ = Date person last confirmed PCB order info.
+# PCBs ; EMAIL shown by "From:" ; .signature EMAIL NAME ; HUMAN NAME ; COMMENT
+A B C D E				F		G	H
+1 1 1 1			Julian Stacey	@May96  $ Dependent
+1 1 1 1		Eyal Lebedinsky @May96  $ Dependent
+1 1 1 1		Mark Geisert	@May96
+1 ? ? 0			Mathias Pfaller @May96 will swap 32532 chip for pcb
+1 ? ? ?			Phil Nelson	@May96 PCB &lt;$100
+1 1 1 1			Mark Mason	@May96 PCB &lt;$100
+1 1 1 1            Stuart Arnold	@May96  cond. on $
+1 ? 1 1		Sverre Froyen   @Apr96  cond. on $
+? ? ? ?			Jon Loeliger	@May96
+1 1 0 0		Antti-Pekka	@May96
+1 0 1 1	Ian Dall	@May96
+1 0 1 1		Rick Rodman	@May96
+1 1 1 1			Karl Swartz	@May96
+From (Philip A Zimmermann)
+Name		email			quant	date	comment
+Dave Rand	1	20May96	can src files
+Robert Vincent	1?	20May96	maybe. $;parts avail?
+P. Zimmermann	1	20May96	do fab?
+Lee Damon	1	20May96	two hands, tho'.
+Julian Stacey		?	21May96	ET proponent
+Sverre Froyen	1?	21May96	if &lt; $?, parts avail?
+Raymond Wiker	1?	21May96	if bare pcb &lt;$100
+Mark Mason		1	21May96	write drivers for...
+Eyal Lebedinsky	1	22May96	want serial also
+1 1 1 1                  Tom Rushworth   @Feb94
+1 1 1 1	Raymond Wiker	@Feb94 Bd&lt;$300 ex RAM
+1 ? ? ?		Pete Carah	@Feb94 Bd&lt;$300 NoMain532 FreeBSD
+1 1 1 1                  David Fellows   @Feb94
+1 ? ? 0	via		Tjeerd Mulder	@Feb94
+1 0 1 1		Neil Johnson	@Feb94
+1 1 1 ?		Marc Boschma	@Mar94
+1 1 1 0		Dave Rand	@Mar94
+1 1 1 1			Robbin Johnson	@Mar94 cond. on $
+1 1 1 0	nomad@CASTLE.ORG		Lee Damon	@Mar94 &lt; $100/pcb
+1 1 1 1			KarlHeinz Eckmeier @Apr94
+1 1 1 1		Jon Buller	@May96	BD&lt;$100
+	( Jon Buller, 2301 Pebble Vale #2121, Plano, TX 75075, (214) 422-3051 )
+	( email goes away between semesters, but really wants one! )
+	( email address from a 11-94 posting)
+2 ? ? ?		Bryan Davis	@Dec93
+0 ? ? ?			Gary Jennejohn
+1 ? ? ?		Jordan K. Hubbard
+0 0 0 0			George Scolaro
+1 0 ? ? Michael Hermann
+3 ? ? ? + Fred &amp; John	Bdale Garbee	If drvr
+1 ? ? ?		Kumar Rennolet
+1 ? ? ?	john.connin@OAU.ORG		John Connin
+1 ? ? ? John James Ackley
+0 0 0 0	sef@kithrup.COM			Sean Eric Fagan
+0 0 0 0		Gary Lowell
+0 0 0 0		Victor Frank
+0 0 0 0			Mark Mallett
+0 0 0 0		Randy Hyde
+0 0 0 0	montana!asgard@convex		J.R. Stoner
+0 0 0 0		David Magnay
+0 0 0 0		Joe Burger
+0 0 0 0		Johannes Helander @ 21 May 1996
+0 0 0 0			Tom Javen	@Mar94
+0 0 0 0		Mattias Olofsson @Mar94
+0 0 0 0			Grant Waldram	@Apr94 (info from marcb
+--	--
+From: (Philip A Zimmermann)
+Subject: ET532 news.
+Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 14:48:50 GMT
+I started compiling a list of interested parties; I have to append
+Julian's list from when things went dormant and contact those people to
+see if they're still interested. Here's what I've got so far:
+I'm currently working on the BOM, trying to source the difficult parts.
+I'll get pricing when the number of participants is firmed up. I am
+willing to help source the difficult parts (doing a quantity buy on the
+'GX, etc. will probably help costs), but would rather not source the
+popcorn &amp; glue. Offhand, I'd say that it would be worthwhile to have
+ET532 go to fab if the lot size is ~25.
+I've had a good deal of experience dealing with pcb vendors over the
+years, and especially lately. I appreciate the concern for keeping the
+pcb fab cost down. My experiences lately have been with some vendors
+who've done quick-turn jobs for us. Some of the consequences besides
+higher costs have been poor quality, e.g. over-etching (where traces
+disappear and the reappear an inch or so away), under-etching (causing
+shorts between traces) and warpage (a problem if the product is a card to
+be inserted into a cage). I know of companies which do high-quality work
+and am hopeful that if we accept a longer delivery time, an acceptable,
+affordable and reliable product will result. No one likes finding out
+AFTER paying for and constructing a six-layer pcb that a few traces on
+some buried (inner) layer are open-circuited or shorted out due to poor
+fab quality. (Gets off soap-box.)
+Some things are sketchy on the BOM; I'm hoping to submit my questions to
+Dave Rand off-list for clarification, then add sourcing info to BOM.
+I'm only interested in doing smaller step at a time, i.e., ET532 first, if
+it's still practical. Then, if that works out and there's enough interest,
+I may be prepared to help out with the serial daughtercard. I just don't
+want to be overwhelmed with too much all at one time.</programlisting>
+<sect3 id="pc532-maillist">
+<title>pc532 project mail list and archive</title>
+There is a pc532 project mail list, archived by &lt;;:
+<listitem>List address is <ulink url=""></ulink></listitem>
+<listitem>Subscribe via <ulink
+    url=""></ulink>.</listitem>
+<listitem>Mail archive at <ulink
+    url=""></ulink>.
+    There is a lot in there, but it makes for an interesting journey back
+    through time. In particular <code>pcdig76.Z</code> contains some interesting
+    postings.</listitem>
+<sect3 id="other-resources">
+<title>Other ftp and www resources</title>
+<listitem><ulink url=""></ulink>
+  <itemizedlist>
+  <listitem><emphasis role="bold">Person:</emphasis> Antti-Pekka Virtanen <ulink
+      url=""></ulink></listitem>
+  <listitem><emphasis role="bold">Description:</emphasis> /usr/X11R6 8,552,833 bytes	Machine was maybe
+      for sale<programlisting>
+      Lemminkaisenkatu 15 A 8, FIN-20520 Turku, Finland.
+      Cell. : Intl. +358 400 789 753 &lt;- Preferred
+      Tel.  : Intl. +358 21 236 0025
+      Packet: OH1YF@OH1RBU.TKU.FIN.EU (Ham Radio)</programlisting></listitem>
+  </itemizedlist>
+<listitem><ulink url=""></ulink>
+  <itemizedlist>
+  <listitem><emphasis role="bold">Description:</emphasis> eprom image.hex.* files</listitem>
+  </itemizedlist>
+<listitem><ulink url=""></ulink>
+  <itemizedlist>
+  <listitem><emphasis role="bold">Description:</emphasis> Eprom images somewhere.</listitem>
+  </itemizedlist>
+<listitem><ulink url=""></ulink>
+  <itemizedlist>
+  <listitem><emphasis role="bold">Person:</emphasis> Phil Budne <ulink
+      url=""></ulink></listitem>
+  <listitem><emphasis role="bold">Description:</emphasis> newmon.tar.gz &amp; forth.tar.gz ...  May 1997: I've
+      tweaked the sources for Jordan's Forth and Phil's autoboot monitor to
+      build under NetBSD.</listitem>
+  </itemizedlist>
+<ulink url=""></ulink>
+  <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem><ulink url="">pub/mach/pc532-bin</ulink>
+        -- Mach binaries.</listitem>
+    <listitem><ulink url="">pub/mach/pc532-src</ulink>
+      -- <ulink url=""></ulink></listitem>
+    <listitem><ulink url="">pub/misc/pc532/hardware-docs/et532</ulink>
+      -- As sent to <ulink url=""></ulink> by
+      <ulink url=""></ulink></listitem>
+  </itemizedlist>
+<ulink url=""></ulink>
+  <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem>
+      <ulink
+        url="">pub/32k/PC532</ulink> --
+        gerber, mail-list, pals, pcbinfo, schema, software.
+    </listitem>
+  </itemizedlist>
+<sect2 id="other_info">
+<title>Other sources of information</title>
+<sect3 id="other_info_nbsd">
+<title>Other information on</title>
+<listitem><ulink url="">
+    NetBSD 1.5 install notes</ulink> - supported hardware and how to install.</listitem>
+<listitem><ulink url="../../MailingLists/#port-pc532"> port-pc532 mail list</ulink>
+    - if you have any additional questions please subscribe.</listitem>
+<listitem><ulink url="../../Documentation/">General NetBSD Documentation</ulink>
+    - for questions not specific to NetBSD/pc532.</listitem>
+<parentsec url="./" text="NetBSD/pc532 ports page"/>
