Subject: Re: NetBSD Documentation Framework - how to do it
To: Mike M. Volokhov <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 12/15/2006 20:19:33
there's a discussion "How Do You Handle Your Enterprise Documentation?"
on Slashdot:

"I'm curious as to what tools Slashdot readers use to inventory and 
document their networks? What got me thinking about this is the part 
VMWare has been taking in data centers. You've got your SAN, various 
physical and logical networks, various VMs, and so forth. It just adds a 
new layer of complexity in terms of documentation. I'm curious as to what 
people have been using as for doing things like documenting how their 
backups work, LAN settings, FW settings, where and what runs what 
services, and so forth. How do you blueprint your entire IT infrastructure 
so that someone brand new could start and figure out what does what?"


  - Hubert