Subject: Re: Spanish translation
To: None <>
From: Roland Illig <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 08/03/2006 15:16:35
Rui Paulo wrote:
> Here I am complaining.
> There's a policy to only add languages to that table that have much
> more than index.html translated.
> Can't recall if it's written somewhere, but this what I was told when
> I added pt_PT.
I haven't found that policy in the netbsd-docs archive, so I'm
suggesting a new one, which would be codified in the htdocs/languages
file, from which the index.html pages are generated.
# This file lists the languages that we have translations for. All the
# translations should give the reader a good, well-maintained
# impression. Therefore:
# All enabled languages SHALL meet the following requirements:
# * Release notes for the all the current and previous releases
# are translated within one month.
# All enabled languages SHOULD meet the following requirements:
# * The changes from the Changes/ directory are translated within one
# month or completely taken from the English changes.
Following this, only the languages de, en, fr, pt_BR and sv would
continue to be linked.
There will be much more criteria, which I think should be added to the
file as we see them.