Subject: NetBSD Guide in Base System
To: None <>
From: Brian Asemi <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 03/09/2006 21:44:13
This e-mail is continued from here:

--- This is the full text of the e-mail I sent to gnats-bugs: ---

I would definitely like to see the entire NetBSD Guide in the base
system.  This would greatly benefit people without internet connections
or people who have no reason to install a web browser solely for the
purpose of accessing the Guide.  The Guide is a great piece of
documentation, IMHO, and making it more available by putting it in
/usr/share/doc in a readable format doesn't have any disadvantages that
I can see.

Making the docs that are already available in /usr/share/doc available
in formats that are readable at the command line without installing
additional software would be greatly helpful too.  Shipping docs with
the base system that are unreadable with the base system makes little
sense.  The only other solution to this that I see would be shipping a
text browser with the base system, but I doubt anyone wants to do that :P.

I'd like to hear some others opinions on this.

My two cents,

--- And this is Jeremy Reed's reply: ---

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Brian Asemi wrote:
 >  I'd like to hear some others opinions on this.

The guide could be included with NetBSD. Seems good to me.

I think this should be discussed on netbsd-docs@ mailing list on ideas 
on how to generate a clean text version and maybe a ROFF version of the 
guide. We can include the HTML also, but text would be required too.

I think this bugs is miscategorized. Let's continue discussion on
netbsd-docs ...

Jeremy C. Reed