Subject: Re: XML and relative paths in htdocs
To: None <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 12/17/2005 00:11:52
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On 2005.12.16 18:37:49 +0100, Klaus Heinz wrote:
| I wrote:
| [ Problem: using the same relative path in an "url" attribute in differe=
| documents ]
| > If nobody has a better idea, we may have to start using (and converting
| > existing XML files to use) <olink> elements. I had a brief look at how
| > <olink> works (
| > and I think it needs a bit of infrastructure to determine the relative
| > paths during XSLT transformation. It seems to be somewhat similar to
| > the layout.xml/autolayout.xml scheme.
| I found some problems while trying to use the <olink> mechanism as it
| is provided by DocBook website.
| For every XML document we have to create a second document
| describing all the possible targets in the XML document (a "target
| file"). All the target files need to be included in the global target
| database (conforming to LOCALBASE/xsl/docbook/common/targetdatabase.dtd).
| This target database can then be used by the stylesheets to compute the
| relative links during transformation to HTML.
| Problems:
| - Where do we store the target files? They are clearly derived from the
| XML files so CVS should not be necessary but then everyone needs to
| update the corresponding target file in their local tree when some
| XML file in CVS changes.
They are _target_ files. Do you store .o in cvs too ? :-) (yeah, I
know it's a bit different).
I think they should stay out of the htdocs tree (as is autolayout.xml)
| - According to documentation I found, using "--string-param
| collect.xref.targets yes" with xsltproc should transform an XML file
| and create the target file in a single step. This does not work for me
| with our stylesheets in htdocs/share/xsl because the mechanism that is
| supposed to do that is located in the template for "/" in
| LOCALBASE/xsl/docbook/html/docbook.xsl and out stylesheets include
| LOCALBASE/xml/website/xsl/website-common.xsl which overrides this
| template for "/". This may be a bug in the website stylesheets.
Fixing our styleshees to include docbook.xsl solves the problem ?
| - Looking at the available stylesheets suggested that there is a way to
| use our generated autolayout.xml to create the target database for all
| the XML files listed in layout.xml. Unfortunately this uses huge
| amounts of RAM, probably due to the problem with xsltproc we encountered
| previously.
*sigh* I wouldn't want to take this route (again)...
| > Instead of using
| > <ulink url=3D"../../Bla/" />
| >=20
| > we would then have
| >=20
| > <olink targetdoc=3D"" targetptr=3D"" />
| To me, the existing handling of <olink> in DocBook website seems not usab=
| in htdocs. For the problem at hand we only need a way to
| automatically determine the level where we are in the directory
| hierarchy for a given document and prepend the appropriate amount of
| "../.." in front of those links imported from a central file:
| Example: a news item points to "/MailingLists/#source-changes", two
| different documents need links like this
| "../MailingLists/#source-changes"
| "../../MailingLists/#source-changes"
| I think we could scrap the website stuff for <olink> and use our own.
| <olink type=3D"pkgsrc" targetdoc=3D"/MailingLists" targetptr=3D"#source=
-changes" />
| "type" is defined as application-specific so we can handle this in our
| stylesheets. Through our Makefiles we already know WEB_PREFIX and the
| relative path in every directory is simply
| ${WEB_PREFIX:S/${.CURDIR}//:C/^\//.\//}.
This makes sense. Again, the big issue here is to tell people how to
use it. Think about people who are not following this thread and never will.
-- Rui Paulo
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