Subject: Re: XML and relative paths in htdocs
To: None <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 12/12/2005 22:42:23
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On 2005.12.12 23:24:20 +0100, Klaus Heinz wrote:
| Rui Paulo wrote:
| > I think it's fine to use what you suggest. But how can we enforce this
| > ? While we are there, how can we enforce the CALS table model ?
| To make this clear: mainly I am looking for a solution to include pieces
| of DocBook in different documents.

Ah, I thought it was just links.

| The only solution _I_ found to avoid the problem I mentioned is
| disallowing relative paths with <ulink> in the XML source file and
| that may mean using <olink>, which will need some preparation
| beforehand.
| To induce people using this, if we agree to move in this direction, we
| could adopt the approach the spelling police uses, a daily
| cron job. And of course documentation, which we haven't started yet :-/.

Yeah I see. I think we should start by creating a more detailed
documentation on how to edit htdocs.

		-- Rui Paulo

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