Subject: Re: FreeBSD User Management documentation
To: Liam J. Foy <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 11/02/2005 21:26:23
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On 2005.11.02 13:57:26 +0000, Liam J. Foy wrote:
| Hey Guys,
| 	I am required to learn DocBook etc for a University Project.
| Instead of writing rubbish to learn it, I have decided to move a
| FreeBSD Chapter over to NetBSD (modifying it to our specification).
| The chapter is: [1]Chapter 13 Users and Basic Account Management
| Any objections? would it be accepted?

I was working on it, but then I ran out of time. Feel free to ask me
anything related to DocBook (not that I am an expert by any mean but I
can find some spare time to help you out).

		-- Rui Paulo

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