Subject: Re: small typo in guide, chap-exinst.xml
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 10/23/2005 13:11:30
On Sun, 23 Oct 2005, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Oct 2005, rudolf wrote:
> >-      reasons, at least on older hard disks.)
> >+      reasons, at least on older hard disks).
> I was (once upon a time) told that the former is actually the correct 
> english spelling, and I think most of the Guide uses this. Which is why I 
> didn't that some time ago (I thought about it, but decided against it 
> because of those two reasons).

To tell whether punctuation belongs inside or outside parentheses,
consider what the result would look like if everything inside the
parentheses were deleted, along with the parentheses themselves.  If the
need for punctuation goes away when the stuff in parentheses disappears,
then the punctuation belongs inside the parentheses.  If the need for
punctuation remains when the stuff in parentheses disappears, then the
punctuation belongs outside the parentheses.

American english often takes punctuation that logically belongs outside
quotation marks, and moves the punctuation inside the quotation marks.
But AFAIK even American english treats parentheses in the logical way.

--apb (Alan Barrett)