Subject: Behaviour of ENTITY(ies) in the NetBSD guide
To: None <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 06/13/2005 00:44:22
This is a minor problem, but everyone that reads the NetBSD guide table
of contents may notice it. For the problem I'm going to describe, please
see and go to section 27.7.4.
You should notice that the usage of man-refs entities doesn't work very
well when rendering the table of contents because it adds two HREFs:
<a href="chap-build.html#chap-build-make-variables">27.7.4.
<a href="">
<span class="citerefentry">
<span class="refentrytitle">make</span>(1)</span>
</a> variables used during build</a>
This won't ever pass W3 tests. ;)
The same may be visible in:
And any other document that in the future will have a man-ref in the
<title> section will have the problem (PAM docs weren't affected because
they used <sect3> and that doesn't get rendered on the TOC).
Any ideas on how to strip man page HREFs only from the TOC ?
Rui Paulo