Subject: Re: How to handle pt_PT and pt_BR ?
To: None <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/16/2005 14:31:08
On 2005-04-16, Klaus Heinz <> wrote:
> I can only talk about "de" (de_AT, de_DE, de_CH) where the differences
> in written language are really small (eg, use of &szlig; in .de but not
> in .ch, as far as I know) and a separate tree is IMHO not necessary.

Differences are not small between pt_PT and pt_BR. Some words aren't
present in pt_PT dictionary and vice-versa (the same applies for
expressions). Syntax differs in some points too. 

> If you really feel the differences between pt_PT and pt_BR are big
> enough then I think we will just have to do it.
> What do Brazilians think about this?

I got an email from NetBSD Brasil:
You are right. pt_PT and pt_BR are languages under  a
process of broadening differentiation. If we can say
that pt_PT is a neolatin language, we could maybe say
that pt_BR is a "neolusitan" language.

 Rui Paulo <>