Subject: Re: 2.0 release announcement (draft)
To: None <>
From: Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 11/09/2004 20:09:44
Jan Schaumann wrote:
> Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner <> wrote

>>Excuse me for my question, but how should the translation keep way. I 
>>am not used to translate by this format, just plain text. Just need a 
>>link to a document explaining it to a little teacher of primary 
>>school-kids ;) Then the work should be done!

> Just download the english file and translate every english text that is
> not an XML tag (ie not between '<' and '>').  That's all. :-)

Okay, playes with some xml-editor ;) This way as you described it is 
how I could do easiest.

For that, the german part is marked for me.
