Subject: Re: Content of the Guide (was Re: RFC: Chapter 9. Compiling the kernel)
To: Pavel Cahyna <>
From: Daniel de Kok <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 08/04/2004 11:13:29
On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 07:50:57AM +0200, Pavel Cahyna wrote:
> Well, I am willing to contribute to the NetBSD documentation, and I already
> submitted some improvements. But correcting errors in the Guide, when there
> already are pages that probably predates it, are more accurate, IMHO better
> written and generally less problematic seems to me as a complete waste of time.
> By giving examples of errors in this chapter, I wanted to suggest that the
> chapters duplicating more accurate information could possibly be abandoned, and
> possibly start a discussion about the content of the Guide.
Please, be aware that the guide serves a different purpose. For instance,
there were some plans to print the guide. A printed guide would be useless
for most people if some major topics are only covered on the website. Besides
that I have had many positive comments regarding the guide, and the Dutch
translation. Many people seem to like that they can download one complete
book that introduces them to NetBSD, without having to fill in holes by
searching for other documentation.
> For example, why
> mention the installation process here? There are installation instructions, no?
> The installation instructions in the Guide seems to describe NetBSD 1.5 and only
> i386.
Well, the installation chapter had some debate. In the end it was decided
that it would be good to have an installation chapter, together with a
chapter that shows a sample installation with screenshots. And we are
currently working on a revised chapter, based on NetBSD 2.0.
Daniel de Kok <>