Subject: Re: 2.0 Guide
To: None <,>
From: Jason R. Fink <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/11/2004 23:19:43
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> It is not sufficient (or rather, it is not desirable). Screenshots
> are helpful to the users who need them most.

I agree with both sides. Lets take the middle road. Right now
assume we will drop the screenshot section *unless* someone fixes
it. If someone does, we can redo that section and ship it. Perhaps
later we can look at some other magic way to combine the install
notes and the screenshots, for now the landscape is 2.0.

I also agree with Hubert, I don't like the idea of creating
yet another branch, besides, doing so may interfere with the
long term idea of melding all of the various documenation into
*one big thing* (although, I have no idea what that means right
now :)

If anyone wants to take the lead on screenshot thing let us know.


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