Subject: Re: The NetBSD Guide
To: None <>
From: Klaus Heinz <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 05/13/2003 01:19:29
Daniel de Kok wrote:

> > Grant Beattie and Hubert Feyrer recently got the English
> > portion of the Guide to build the HTML target from XML
> > Docbook format. Many thanks to them for their hard work.
> I guess a comparable amount of work is needed for the translations,
> is it ok to just continue in SGML?

I was surprised how little has changed in the XML version. Some files
only differ about 10-20 Bytes in size. The largest difference I found
was in chap-inst.sgml/chap-inst.xml (.xml is about 8.5 KB smaller).

If you have already begun with SGML, it's probably better to continue
the work than to change horses in the middle of the race. You are using
DocBook anyway, so the markup itself is almost the same.
