Subject: Re: Dutch translation of the Short Guide to NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 06/02/2002 21:28:59
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On Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 08:46:44PM +0200, Daniel de Kok wrote:
> Hello,
> Today I started translating "The NetBSD operating system, a short guide".
> I have almost finished the "What is NetBSD and "Installation" chapters,
> and I hope nobody else translated it (there wasn't a Dutch translation in
> the CVS, so...). It will probably take a while to translate the whole gui=
> solely, so what is the best way to handle things?
> - Put it up on my own site till a larger part is translated and send it
> to Jan Schaumann then.
> - Send it right after I finished the two chapters I mentioned.
> - Drop the whole thing, because somebody already translated it.

I think that you should send translations to Jan when you finish them.
So, for example, say you finish translating some chapters, you have also
revised them and they are "ready to go" so you send them to Jan. He will
then commit them to the translators cvs for review by other dutch readers
and if nobody complains, they will go to the master cvs tree. (correct
me if I'm wrong)


Of course it runs NetBSD -
HispaBSD member -
Julio Merino <>

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