Subject: [netbsd-docs-se] Re: 2.0 release announcement (draft)
To: None <,,>
From: Daniel de Kok <>
List: netbsd-docs-se
Date: 11/29/2004 11:02:35
On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 09:33:54AM -0500, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> We should get started working on the translation of the 2.0 Release
> Announcement. Daniel de Kok has imported a draft into
> htdocs/Releases/formal-2.0 -- this document will be updated as we
> approach the 2.0 release, but it can already function as a basis for
> translations.
> If you could see if you can work based on this and the older release
> announcements and send your translations to, that would
> be great!
I would like to send a reminder that the final 2.0 release will be
ready real soon now. To be sure that *your* translation is online in
time, send it to www@ as soon as you can.
As always: thank you all for your hard work!
With kind regards,
Daniel de Kok
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