Subject: [netbsd-docs-de] Translations of Release Announcements
To: None <,,>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-docs-de
Date: 07/02/2002 16:36:37
Hi all,

Well, while we don't know the exact date of the 1.6 Release, we know
that it's going to be soon, right?  So I'd like to ask for volunteers
that would be willing to translate the announcement, so when the time
comes we're prepared.

the first draft of the announcement is available in
/cvsroot/htdocs/Releases/formal-1.6/NetBSD-1.6.{list,html} -- while some
of the copy will most certainly be changed, it would probably be good if
those who wish to translate the announcement would get a head-start.


